Embrace the power of global reading! Our iOS app now supports more languages!
PDF book translation feature is now online! You can now upload PDF files to BookTranslator for translation! Currently, only the text part of PDFs can be translated, and we are unable to translate content in images. Also, the quality of PDF translation may not meet expectations.
A new milestone! We are delighted to announce that the BookTranslator Web App is now online! Now even if you don't have an iOS device, you can use BookTranslator's full book translation service to quickly and accurately translate foreign language books. From submitting tasks to translation completion, it only takes thirty seconds at the fastest! A download link will be sent to the email you left after the translation is completed. Give it a try!
This update adds FAQs in the app and fixes some user interface issues.
This update mainly optimizes the translation function and interaction experience, and updates the customer service support email to improve the user experience during use.
Brand new, AI full book translation tool - BookTranslator!
Built on the ChatGPT API, it can translate an entire EPUB book into the language you want, with very high translation quality. Supports multi-language translation, translation is fast and efficient, you can get translation results in a few minutes, and supports saving translation records, which can be viewed and shared at any time.